SMTDA 2012
2nd Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis International Conference

           Panorama Hotel              5 - 8 June 2012 Chania Crete Greece
Registration Fees

Social Programme


No of persons


Welcome Reception (Tuesday June 5)




Half-Day Excursion (Wednesday June 6)

45 EUR



Conference Dinner (Thursday June 7) and lunches

70 EUR



Visit to Knossos and the Museum (Saturday June 9)

70 EUR





Registration fees*

Early Registration
Before March 30

Late Registration
After March 30


University member registration1

360 EUR

420 EUR


Other Participant registration1

450 EUR

490 EUR


Student submitting a paper registration1

280 EUR

340 EUR


Student registration1

180 EUR

210 EUR


Accompanying person(s)2

150 EUR

150 EUR


Social Programme, Sub-Total




1Registration fee includes: Admission to all sessions, conference bag with book of abstracts and CD of full papers, coffee breaks, welcome reception and transportation from the designated hotels.
2Registration fee includes: Welcome reception, conference dinner and lunches and transportation from the designated hotels and participation in the social program and the excursions.

*Participants wishing to include the conference dinner and lunches may add 70 EUR in the above conference fees.